Title : Shadowlands
Date : 08/27/2000
Filename : map-charonq2dm1.pk3(map-charonq2dm1.shader included outside of pk3 file in initial zip)
Author : Charon
Email Address : **email removed**
Website : **invalid URL**
Description : A map for the mod Rocket Arena 3(RA3) for Quake3.
: The RA3 community needed more maps to play on
: and this was my answer. It consists of 4 arenas,
: one of which is a fairly large clan arena. The
: arenas use the same texture theme which is best
: described as a gray matter organic/black metallic
: theme. Each arena is open and spacious.

Additional Credits to : id software, the RA3 team


- Play Information -

Mod : Rocket Arena 3(RA3)
Players : Its fpr RA3, anywhere from 1vs1 to 15vs15 works.
Bots : Not yet. No working bot code in RA3.

Unzip the the zip file into your quake3\arena directory.

- Construction -

Base : None.
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : None

Build Time : A couple of weeks.

Textures used : Sorta gray matter organic and black metallic textures.

Compile machine : P3/500 overclocked to 559 with 384megs RAM
q3map compile Time : TOTAL - 13826 seconds or 3 hours, 50 minutes, and 44 seconds
: BSP - 138 seconds
: VIS - 4377 seconds
: LIGHT - 9311 seconds
Brushes : 7893

- Copyright / Permissions -
You not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks
without permission from the author.
