Phat Deathmatch 1
Title : Phat Deathmatch 1
BSP Name : q3phatdm1.bsp
Author : Darren "Phats" Korman
Release Date : Sept 28, 2000
Email Address : [**email removed**]
Team 3 Home Page : [**invalid URL**]
Game : Quake 3 Arena DM


A Deathmatch level for Quake 3 Arena. 2-5 Players.

Thank Yous:

Id Software whithout whom countless hours would have been spent doing "Real" work.
Q3Build == badass.
Jonathan "Moebius" Hackett for his quick ass kicking on the team3banner.tga
[**invalid URL**]
Iikka "Fingers" Keranen and his nifty Quake 3 textures. [**invalid URL**]
Team 3 for ideas, testing, feedback, support, luv.
Pinski and Batman for testing.
Mackey "Avatar" McCandlish for mesh tips.
Monstermash 3 attendees (Zed-eF, Ehh?)
Clan [ZFA]
Clan [FU]

Installation and Play Instructions:

1.Extract the "q3phatdm1.pk3" file included to your "q3a/baseq3/" directory.
2.Run Quake3Arena => Single Player => Skirmish => Select q3phatdm1 and click Next => Fight!

Previous works:

Level Designer for Monolith Production's Sanity: Aiken's Artifact [**invalid URL**]
and No One Lives Forever [**invalid URL**]
[q2] Phatdm2 - Phat Deathmatch 2 [screenshots][download]
[q2] Phatdm1 - Phat Deathmatch 1 [download]
[q1] Spank1 - Spank me Again! [download]
[q2 ctf] Q2TWCTF9 - Phat Chance [**invalid URL**]
[q1 ctf] TW2CTFB - P100's Revenge [**invalid URL**]
[q1 ctf] TWCTF8 - Washout [**invalid URL**]


This level is free to distribute via the internet. Don't sell my level without my written
