Boombox -- 04 September 2000

Title : BoomBox
MapFileName : boombox.bsp
Author : Wizard
Email Address : **email removed**
Website : **invalid URL**
Map Type : Deathmatch 2-4 players
Bot Support: : Yes
Map description : First Q3A map, more an experiment with various game concepts and gameplay than anything else.
Most of the action takes place in the outside courtyard with the 2 pools or the 2 areas with the
rocket launchers. The game works best with even numbers of players (2, 4 or 6) but gets pretty
intense with anything more than 6 players. The map has been played with 8 players but that was
just frag lunacy!
Thanks to : id software ( - of course;
TheSaint (**invalid URL**) for help with my signature image;
Everyone at THOS (**invalid URL**) for testing the map


Base : Nothing, started this level from scratch
New Textures : Yes - one, my signature image
Tools/Editor used : Q3Radiant (**invalid URL**);
Q3A Shader Editor (**invalid URL**);
Q3 Build (**invalid URL**);
Known Bugs : None that I know of (duh...)
Build Time : In total, 5 days including my single new texture (spread out over about 2 weeks)
Compile machine : Intel Vancouver motherboard with Pentium III Coppermine 650 Mhz processor;
128MB RAM;
Diamond S3 Savage 4 with 32MB RAM
Compile Times : About 8 minutes


1. Copy boombox.pk3 to your baseq3 directory
2. Run Q3A and select the map from the the menu or bring down the console (press the "~") and type "/map boombox <enter>"

Copyright / Permissions

You may freely distribute this map via any means what-so-ever, provided you include this .TXT file and leave the archive un-modified. Please contact me via e-mail if you want to do anything else with the map (except play it) and if you have any feedback or suggestions.
