Stronghold Opposition
Stronghold Opposition for Q3A by Remco 'SithLord' Mooijweer

Title : Stronghold Opposition for Q3A
Date : 27/08/00
Filename : q3stronghold.pk3
Author : Remco 'SithLord' Mooijweer
Email Address : **email removed**
Description : CTF map based on Quake 2 CTF's Stronghold
Mods required : None, but for the real Q2CTF experience
install and run the Pure CTF Mod
(**invalid URL**).
Additional Credits to : - the pr0nMaster Quake Clan for suggestions and
playtesting. (**invalid URL**)
- Kiltron for his texturepacks
(**invalid URL**).
- Dave 'Zoid' Kirsch for the original mapdesign


- Play Information -

Gametype(s) : CTF
Players : 6 - 10 (3 vs 3, 4 vs 4, 5 vs 5)
Bots : Yes
Weapons : All except Lightning Gun and BFG
Powerups : Battle Suit (2x), Quaddamage (1x)
To play this map : Put the q3stronghold.pk3 file into your
baseq3 directory and type "\g_gametype 4"
followed by "\map q3stronghold" at the
console or go to mutliplayer, create a
ctf-game and select q3stronghold.


- Construction -

Base : based on q2ctf2.bsp, but build from scratch.
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant 1.97, Q3Radiant 2.02
Additional Tools : Q3Build, ShaderEditor, Paintshop, EditPad.
Known Bugs : Fans + Sewerpipes visible through sky outside.
Build Time : Four months on and off, but 3 weeks effectively.
Textures used : Base Texture set, Crate textures from Quake 2
and Kiltron's texture pack2
(**invalid URL**).
Compile machine : P3/733 with 128 MEGS, TNT2 TVR, running
Windows 98SE
q3map BSP Time : 20 secs
q3map Vis Time : 2 mins 26 secs
q3map Light Time : 29 mins 26 secs
bspc Time : 5 mins
Brushcount : 4191
Entitycount : 527
