by Tymo
8th of August 2000
Quake3Arena Tourney/DM level.

* General *

Title.....................: Desolation
Filename..................: tymo3t2.pk3
Author....................: Henning [Tymo] Janssen
E-mail....................: **email removed**
URL.......................: under construction
Description...............: It's a small gothicstyle castle. You can walk over the roofs
and feel free to rocketjump.

* Play Information *

Tourney...................: yes (1on1 recommended)
Deathmatch................: yes (up to 3 players)
Team-DM...................: no
CTF.......................: no
Botsupport................: yes
Playerstarts..............: 5

Unzip tymo3t2.ZIP and place tymo3t2.PK3 into your
Quake3Arena/baseq3/ directory.

* Construction *

Base......................: New level from scratch
Editor / Tools used.......: Q3Radiant 1.0 Beta build 197, TexMex v3.0, Terragen v0.8
Compile machine...........: PIII 600, 128MB, Win98
Build time................: 2 days for the mainstructure, 2 weeks to optimize
Brushes...................: 814
Entities..................: 117
Compile time
bsp.....................: 8 seconds
vis.....................: 16046 seconds
light...................: 795 seconds
Textures..................: Quake, Quake3Arena, customtextures
Known Bugs................: The square-cylinders at the portal are not solid.
The Bots have problems to reach the Regeneration-Powerup.
High r_speeds (it's not a bug but it's annoying too).
(if you find some more, please mail me)

* Credits *

id Software...................: Creating Quake
-=IRA=-Sorbia.................: Playtesting
[FL]Fragchild.................: Playtesting
**invalid URL**..: Good german tutorials

* Distribution / Copyright / Permissions *

Copyright (c) 2000 Henning [Tymo] Janssen. All rights reserved.

Quake III arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You're not allowed to modify anything contained in the
You're allowed to redistribute this level via electronic media such as Internet,
and free of charge. Any commercial use without a permission is prohibited.
