title: A Twist of fate [f8sctf1]
file: f8smappak0.pk3
author: Crewmaac
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
**invalid URL**
description: This is a mid sized ctf map in a nice
layout. There is to be some serious
fragging going on in here. This one would be
good for 6v6 or 7v7
play information
skills 0,1,2,3: no
tourney: no
deathmatch: no
CTF: yes
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: no
new graphics: yes
new music: no
how to play place f8smappak0.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena
hit ~
type /g_gametype 4
type /map f8sctf1
type /addbot <botname> <skill>
hit ~ (to clear the console)
My first Q3A map[first map ever actually]. Radiant was
pretty easy once you get the hang of it. There were many versions of this
map and boy was the first one ugly. I hope you have as
much fun playing it as I did building it.
base: none
editor: Q3Radiant 181 by Id Software
build time: about 2 months of spare time
thanx to ...
Rapture[f8s] and all my clan memebers who gave me
the inspiration to make levels on my own. Never thought
I would be able to do it but look what happend.
title: Ballistic Complex [f8sctf2]
file: f8smappak0.pk3
author: Crewmaac
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
**invalid URL**
description: This is a mid sized ctf map in a nice
layout. There is to be some serious
fragging going on in here. This one would be
good for 6v6 or 7v7
play information
skills 0,1,2,3: no
tourney: no
deathmatch: no
CTF: yes
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: no
new graphics: yes
new music: no
how to play place f8smappak0.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena
hit ~
type /g_gametype 4
type /map f8sctf2
type /addbot <botname> <skill>
hit ~ (to clear the console)
My Second Q3A map. This one was a little faster to make
took me about 2 weeks and was also a blast. I wanted it
to be a little different then the gothic style and I think
I stayed true to that.
base: none
editor: Q3Radiant 181 by Id Software
build time: about 2 weeks of spare time
title: Dueling Fate's [f8sctf3]
file: f8smappak0.pk3
author: Crewmaac
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
**invalid URL**
description: This is a small sized ctf map in a nice
layout. There is to be some serious
fragging going on in here. This one would be
good for 4v4 or 5v5
play information
skills 0,1,2,3: no
tourney: no
deathmatch: no
CTF: yes
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: no
new graphics: yes
new music: no
how to play place f8smappak0.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena
hit ~
type /g_gametype 4
type /map f8sctf3
type /addbot <botname> <skill>
hit ~ (to clear the console)
This is my third map I ever made. It took me about 3 days to
make. It was really fun. The bases were kind of copied from
Claustrophobopolis. Not sure thats how you spell. I wanted to stay
some what near what it looked like but also give it a new feel.
base: none
editor: Q3Radiant 181 by Id Software
build time: about 3 days of spare time
title: Halls Of Fate [f8sctf4]
file: f8smappak0.pk3
author: Rapture
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
**invalid URL**
description: This is a small sized ctf map in a nice
layout. There is to be some serious
fragging going on in here. This one would be
good for 2v2 and up to 5v5
play information
skills 0,1,2,3: no
tourney: no
deathmatch: no
CTF: yes
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: no
new graphics: yes
new music: no
how to play place f8smappak0.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena
hit ~
type /g_gametype 4
type /map f8sctf4
type /addbot <botname> <skill>
hit ~ (to clear the console)
This is my first ctf map I ever made. I used some textures
from Vrmagazine. Its a fast and furious map that I hope you enjoy.
I had fun making it and I have a blast playing it.
base: none
editor: Q3Radiant 181 by Id Software
other progs: Q3 Build by
Sagnor <**email removed**>
AzrKnight <**email removed**>
(have a look on Rust for it)
build time: about 2 weeks of spare time
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions
Copyright (c) 1999 ray, tigger-on, **email removed**
All rights reserved.
Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN