House of the Rising Sun
Title : r_tourney3i: House of the Rising Sun

Filename : r_tourney3i.pk3

Finish Date : May 20, 2000

Map Author : r_speeds

Email Address : **email removed**

Homepage : **invalid URL**

Description : Competition oriented tourney map.

Tester & Idea Guys : nil, Johnny Law, pjw, [2ur]Dr.Nick, inhuman, others...

* Play Information *

Bots play this map fairly well. As well as any of the ID maps..

If you record a demo playing this map I'd love to see it.

Most of this map has no footstep sounds. The redish walkways in the main room do make footstep sounds..

* How to use the .pk3 *

1. copy r_tourney3i.pk3 to your baseq3 directory
2. run Q3A at the console type "/map r_tourney3i" or select via the skirmish menu

This map, r_tourney3i.bsp is (c) by r_speeds, 1999.
You may distribute this .BSP FREELY via the internet, provided you include this .TXT file
and leave the archive intact. If you'd like to use this .BSP file in any other way,
please contact me via E-Mail. If you let me know and give me a credit, I'll probably
give you the permission to use.
