Title : My Very Own Room
Map Name : odam.bsp
File Name : odam.pk3
Author : Ali KIZMAZ a.k.a DoMiNiQuE
E-Mail : **email removed**
Web Site : **invalid URL**
Uin : 3818357
Release Date : 10/05/2000
Build Time : 4 Days
Compile Time : 0:25 hours on a iNTEL PIII 450 [FastVis],
1:45 hours [FullVis].
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant
Other : Adobe Photoshop
Known Bugs : N/A
How To Install
Extract the file odam.pk3 to QuakeIII:Arena's baseq3 folder
than run Quake III Arena as usual.
The map can be choosen from Multiplayer > Create Free For
All and Tournament game types.
Also you can play this map by typing /map odam at the
This is a Runtfest look alike map. This is my own room,
including my computer, table, beds, books and many more. It can
hold up 2 to 8 players for DeathMatchs.
Thanks To
[uM]GreenThumb for that valuable tutorials.
Laroux, Divine Brash, Ayla for the idea.
And All of other pre-testers.
Send me the bugs you have found.
Copyright (c) 2000 Turkish Quake Fortress. All rights reserved.
You may freely distribute the file odam.pk3 via any means
possible, provided you include this file, make no modifications
to either odam.pk3 or this text file.