Title : mfgothicdm1
Game : Quake III Arena (v1.17)
Add ons : none required
Mods : none required

Author : TheMic, Die-a-logue - Mike Fayol
Author Email's : **email removed**
Author Web Site's : **invalid URL**
Feedback : PLEASE SEND IT, via e-mail : )
Release Date : May 16, 2000
Files : mfgothicdm1.pk3, mfgothicdm1.txt
Maps :

* Description *

Small gothic level, with some cutting edge technology: ),
good for fragging with 4-12 players.
Under single player (skirmish) mode total 5
players, 4 Bots and yourself. Watch the lighting effects
in order to find teleporters.

* Play Instructions *
To play, use the game menu and select skirmish. Select
Free for all (FFA) mode Select Mfgothicdm1.

The default bots for this level are the ID
guys and gals; doom, visor, mynx and sarge.

* Tips *
Try to get the plasma gun into play, take the extra,
20 seconds and get it, because of the tight corridors
it is a true killing machine.

If everyone seems to be staying in the courtyard,
find the teleporter to the Railgun and snipe away.
This will help spread them out a little : )

* Play Information *

Game Modes : FFA 4-8 players
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None

* Credits *

Everyone at the Forums - For helping a poor sole out
with there experience and knowledge.

Q-Workshop 3 site - for all the tutorials.
SYLUM ENTERTAINMENT LTD. - for all the crazy ideas thrown my way
and giving me the hardware to do the job right.

AND once again:
Everyone in the editing forums at



Unzip and place mfgothicdm1.pk3 and mfgothicdm1.txt
in baseq3 directory.

* Already Released levels by author *

***** Quake III Arena *****

* Construction *
Base : From scratch
Construction Time : NA
Editor Used : Q3Radiant
* System *
Dell Dimension XPS
PII 450
256 MB Ram

* Compile Data *


* Known Bugs *
You will get a warning about some powerupshit texture. Ignore it, for
some reason it just shows up whenever I create Teleporters.

* Design Philosophy and Discussion *

This is my forth level, being that I will NEVER-EVER release my first level.

The layout idea came from an office that I was setting up a network in. I thought
the layout was a great idea, but of course when you actually play it, it just doesn't
work as well as you thought, so knock down a wall, put a wall where the door was
and now I have my prettiest and just as enjoyable level as any other that I played.

The thing I like about this level the most is the fact that the bots are just about
everywhere in the level. It seems like they don't need to just be stuck in one area, as
happens in most q3a levels. Then again I get that one or two times that the previous
about this level doensn't hold true.

Well that's it, happy fraggin'

* Copyright / Permissions *
Feel free to post and play this level. Please do not change
any file associated with this level.
