Return to the Entryway
TABD2MAP01 Return to the Entryway by Tabun 2009-09-06

Title : Return to the Entryway
Filename : tabd2map01.pk3
Author : Asmodai Tabun
Email Address : **email removed**
Web Sites :
**invalid URL**

- Play Information -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Player Base : Designed for FFA, and tourney (but see note).
Note : This is a rather strict remake of Doom II's Map01. That pretty much
means that the layout.. well.. sucks, for deathmatch. The map is, and
is supposed to be, mainly material for nostalgia-gaming. It is most
enjoyably played with the Generations Arena mod
(**invalid URL**), which recreates a mix of old-school
id gameplay in the Quake 3 environment.
Versions :
- TABD2MAP01 Custom item layout for normal Quake 3 Arena
Items: 2x RL, 2x SG, GL, PG, LG, 2x YA, RA, Haste/Regen teamed
- TABD2MAP01_PURE Purist item layout for original Doom II DM
Items: 2x BFG, SG, RL, PG, YA -- Generations Arena-only: Chainsaw (MG) & Boomstick

- Construction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brushes : ~3800
Average R_Speeds : ~6000 world, w/ entities, no players
Worst Case R_Speeds : ~8500 world, w/ entities, no players
Editor(s) used : GTKRadiant 1.5, Photoshop

- Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Many thanks to:
- The authors of third party textures (see below) who allow free use of their work.
- The people at Wirehead Studios who helped with testing and feedback - Esp. to
Phoenix, for is extensive comments an ideas.
- All those people who took the time to write elaborate mapping tutorials
(and managed to keep them online long after Q3A lost its popularity).

- Textures used --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Third party :
- Lunaran's textures:
- nubiansky2 skybox (slightly adjusted shader)
- computers, tech-stuff (mksteel) (tabd2map01_lun)
- a few other textures from lun3dm4 (tabd2map01_lun3dm4)
- (some plants)
- tekwall from doom high-res texture remakes

All other textures I've made myself (or composed myself from license-free materials,
such as from
None of _those_ textures may to be modified without my explicit permission.
They may however be freely used for mapping purposes (as-is).
Give full credit where due.

- Copyright / Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------

* You MAY:
- Distribute this pak file and/or its contents by any electronic means, provided you leave
the contents unaltered and include this text file, also unaltered.

* You MAY NOT:
- Decompile or reproduce the BSP as a base to build additional levels.
Make your own damned maps. (But not necessarily your own damn text-files ;))
- Commercially exploit these files or their contents in any way.
