Date: October 22th 2008
Title: CUBEdotMAP
File: CUBEdotMAP.pk3
Author: DaEngineer
Email address: daengineer [at] gmx [dot] de

You have seen the movie "Cube"? Great - now you can feel
what these poor bastards in the diabolic cube felt. But forget about
working together to escape. There is no exit.
Play information

Tourney: yes
Deathmatch: yes, 2 to 4 players
TDM: no
CTF: no
Bot file (aas): yes
other: no
New sounds: no
New graphics: yes
New music: no

How to play: Place CUBEdotMAP.pk3 in your baseq3 directory.
The map is selectable in the skirmish menu.

When playing the map the first time you'll probably think "What a
crappy design!? Locked doors, unlocked doors, every room looks
the same... what a useless map." Play it a while. It's not as
confusing as it seems to be. Think of it like a deadly memory
game. After some time of playing you'll be able to memorize the
colors of the rooms and connect them with open and closed doors and
items. And don't forget to use your ears! Spotting enemies depends
a lot on hearing them making noises when picking up items or
jumping and walking around.

Base: Based on the scenery of the movie "Cube"
Editor: GtkRadiant 1.5.0
Other progs: q3map2toolz
Know bugs: None
Build time: Less than three days

the texture "rost_02" was taken from ""
Thanks to...

Thorsten Willert for the grey rust texture

Vincenzo Natali for "Cube", one of the most awesome movies
I've ever seen
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2008 DaEngineer
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at NO
CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include
this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. Uploading this
level to ANY website is PROHIBITED without prior written permission.
