
Title : Destroyer
Pak name : Q3shw21
Autor : ShadoW (Poland)
Contact : **email removed**
Homepage : **invalid URL**
* info *

Single Player : no
Tournament : yes
Deathmatch : yes
Team : 2v2 ? :)
Ctf : no
* Construction *
Programs :GtkRadiant-1.4, Winrar, Notpad, Q3map2 , IrfanView

Build time : Few months, with 2-3 hours a week.
Based on : nothing
Brushes : 3500
Entities : 562
new textures : yes
new sounds : no
new models : yes

Items : RL x 2 YA x 1
SG x 1 RA x 1
LG x 1 MH x 1
RG x 1
GL x 1
* How run it *

Place q3shw21.pk3 in your quake3/mod directory.
In game go to console and type 'map q3shw21'
* My other maps *

Quake III :

1) q3shw1:Ten pierwszy raz (This first time)
2) q3shw2:Za wolno frajerze... (Too slow sucker)
3) q3shw3:Frag-ment (Frag-ment)
4) q3shw4:Katedra (Cathedral)
5) q3shw5:Dom (House)
6) q3shw6:Szkoła (School)
7) q3shw7:Wysokie napięcie (High voltage)
8) q3shw8:Gdy nie ma nadziei (When ther's no hope)
9) q3shw9:Bez wyjścia (No escape)
10) q3shw10:Czarna wieża (Black tower)
11) q3shw11:Orientuj się (Be knowledgeable)
12) q3shw12:Pora umierać (Time to die)
13) q3shw13:Miasto (City)
14) q3shw14:Memento Mori (Memento Mori)
15) q3shw15:Wysokie napięcie II (High voltage II)
16) q3shw16:Dotyk śmierci (Touch of death)
17) q3shw17:Empty words
18) q3shw18:Holy blood
19) q3shw19:Time to die (Remix)
20) q3shw20:Annihilation
21) q3shw21:Destroyer

xx) shw_100b:100 brushes
xx) shw_q3dm17:Q3dm17 conversion by ShadoW
xx) Eplus1: Memento mori remix
xx) Eplus2: Annihilation remix

You can download these maps:
**invalid URL**

* BiG Thx for: *

- Id software - you know what for.
- Oak (**email removed**) for some great models.
- Matt "Lunaran" Breit, ( for cool textures!!.


The map is made for Cpma tournament play. I was trying to implement some tricks, and some new layout ideas. The map shoud be done much more earlier, but I don't have really much time nowadays to play with Radiant. I think map came out quite nice. I would like to thank all people, who beta-test this map, to help me make it better :)

