Passing Uranus by Wakey
FFA & TDM map for Quake 3 Arena
(also Loadable in OpenArena and War§ow)
[] About []
Title: Passing Uranus
File: uranus.pk3
BSP: uranus.bsp
Author: Wakey (Robin Pengelstorfer)
Age: 20
Email address: **email removed**
Website: **invalid URL**, **invalid URL**
ICQ: 261110146
Construction Time: Matured, like a good wine
Tools used: GTK-Radiant 1.2.10 & 1.4, Q3map2 2.5.16, q3map2toolz, Picture Publisher 8, Milkshape 3D, Particle Studio
Compile Machine: AthlonXP 2600+, 512Mb DDR Ram, ATI X800GT
Description: Passing Uranus is a UT2K4/Doom3 styled medium sized FFA map for 3-6 players.
History: Passing Uranus is officialy my second release after my first "doublefeature" Winternacht & Sommergewitter, but inofficialy this is my first map, wich i started to build 3 years before Winternacht & Sommergewitter.
The goal of this map was again to create a visually stunning map, but this time in a different setting, wich would allow even more details then the one of my previous map(s), but this time i hope to also get some better gameplay, altough this is no attempt to create a seriously competion or tourney map.
I'm still not satisfied with it, but it's already wasting enough performance, and i worked so long on it, so i think it's time to release it.
Last but not least i'm proud to say that this time i got a lot better botsupport for the map. Enjoy!
[] System requirements []
Because of the lots of details and eycandy seen in the map the r_speeds are extremely rough, and the layout doesnt allow much optmizing.
You can gain speed with lowering the texture detail and setting r_subdivisions to 8 or 16, but this isnt advised.
A graphics card with 64mb of ram and a 3ghz+ cpu should be at least the minimum to play it (if you're wondering about the high cpu requirement, the original q3 engine renders all geometry over it, and in this map is muuuuuch geometry visible at once).
Let me know how it runs on a TNT2 or Rage128 XD
[] How to play []
For Quake 3: Unzip the .rar file into your baseq3 directory
and you are ready to rock!
Type "\map uranus" into the console or choose the map through the skirmish menu.
[] Stuff []
Botsupport: yes, and a quite good one too
New Textures & Shaders: yes. Many made by me, and the rest taken from Shub-Niggurath and thefury aka sumatra.
Some are modified to suit my needs.
Read the list below to see who made what.
New Skybox: yes, backround taken from CTF_VDL by U.S.S. Speed.
New Models: yes, all made by me
New Music: yes, a great tune from Genetic Gemini, check out his other stuff at **invalid URL**
If anyone discovers wrong or missing author details, contact me immediately so i can react as fast as possible!
File: Author:
textures/chili_decals/attention_electro.tga Wakey
textures/chili_decals/fan_shadow.tga Wakey
textures/chili_decals/x_grate_shadow.tga Wakey
textures/chili_decals/attention_explosive.tga Wakey
textures/chili_decals/bloodstain_1.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_decals/bloodstain_hand.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_decals/smear01.jpg Myth
textures/chili_decals/splat06.jpg Myth
textures/chili_floor/blackmetal.tga Wakey
textures/chili_floor/caution_red.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/caution_yellow.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/floor2.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/floor3.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/floorstep_2_rusty.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/floorstep_3_dark.tga Wakey
textures/chili_floor/floorstep_rusty.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/floorstep_rusty_dark.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/gfloor2.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/gfloor.tga Wakey
textures/chili_floor/gplate.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/rust_stripe.tga Wakey
textures/chili_floor/steel_floor.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_floor/x_grate.tga Wakey
textures/chili_floor/x_grate_2.tga Wakey
textures/chili_glas/envmap_2.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_glas/envmap_3.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_glas/envmap_4.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_glas/envmap_5.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_glas/frostglas.tga Wakey
textures/chili_light/beam.tga Wakey
textures/chili_light/bulb.tga Wakey
textures/chili_light/ceil1_34.blend.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_light/ceil1_34.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_light/light_base.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_light/proto_lightgreen.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_light/proto_lightred.jpg ID Software
textures/chili_light/proto_lightyellow.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_light/pulse_blue.tga ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_light/proto_light.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_light/proto_lightmap.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/arrows_blue.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/b_flame1.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/b_flame2.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/b_flame3.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/b_flame4.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/b_flame5.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/b_flame6.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/b_flame7.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/b_flame8.jpg ID Software/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/binary.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/bulbflare.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/command.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/command_backwards.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/detail_strip.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/env1.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/energy.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/keyboard.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/keyboard_glow.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/leuchtfeuer.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/screen_1.jpg Shub-Niggurath/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/screen_1_glow.jpg Shub-Niggurath/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/screen_2.jpg Shub-Niggurath/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/screen_2_glow.jpg Shub-Niggurath/Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/notausgang.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/notausgang_glow.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/screen3.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/reactor.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/wc.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/irc.jpg GigaByte/
textures/chili_sfx/coolance.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/bulbflare.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/circle.tga Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/sun.tga Wakey
textures/chili_sfx/text_1.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_skies/uranus.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_skies/uranus_ring.tga Wakey
textures/chili_skies/blackhole2.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_skies/blackhole.jpg Wakey
textures/chili_skies/icemoon.tga Wakey
textures/chili_wall/bluemetal_pipe.tga Shub-Niggurath/Wakey
textures/chili_wall/monitor.tga Wakey
textures/colors/greygreen.tga Wakey
textures/deimosbase/textures/floor15.jpg Shub-Niggurath
textures/deimosbase/textures/metal1.tga Shub-Niggurath
textures/deimosbase/textures/metaltrim13.jpg Shub-Niggurath
textures/deimosbase/textures/pipe4.tga Shub-Niggurath
textures/deimosbase/textures/trim3.jpg Shub-Niggurath
textures/deimosbase/textures/wall01.jpg Shub-Niggurath
textures/deimosbase/textures/wall4.jpg Shub-Niggurath
textures/deimosbase/textures/wall14.jpg Shub-Niggurath
textures/deimosbase/textures/wall.jpg Shub-Niggurath
textures/deimosbase/textures/walla.tga Shub-Niggurath
textures/particles/rauch.tga Wakey
textures/pukka3tourney2/acid.jpg thefury aka sumatra
textures/pukka3tourney2/bubbles.jpg thefury aka sumatra
textures/pukka3tourney2/s1.jpg thefury aka sumatra
env/ctf_vdl/vdl_.jpg U.S.S. Speed
[] Thanks to.... []
all the people from (especialy Mercury, Yig and DiaVoluS), i love you all <3
Ydnar (for q3map2 of course, the ultimative pwnage compiler)
Sock (for his great terrain tutorial and Pyramid of the Magician, one of the best maps out there)
Cardigan (for his great tutorials, and of course for Estatica, maybe the best q3 map out there)
Shub-Niggurath, thefury aka sumatra and U.S.S. Speed wich hopefuly dont bust my ass because i used their stuff without asking first.
Also very special thx to Genetic Gemini, who let me use his great same named tune Passing Uranus for this map!
and Id Software for Q1, Q2 and Q3A of course ;D
[] Copyright / Permissions []
This level is copyrighted by Robin "Wakey" Pengelstorfer, 2007.
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort
of commercial product without my permission. You are
allowed to share, host and distribute this level via
internet as long as no fee is charged.
This .txt file MUST be included and the archive MUST remain unmodified.
Any forms of modifications without my permission are prohibited.
The textures used in this map are not to be used under
any circumstances in any commercial products. YOU are not allowed
to make any money directly/indirectly from their use.
This situation is not open to discussion and if I find them in
any commercial product I will insist they are removed.*
*Like Sock, in my opinion people wich get paid for making resources should do their job professionaly,
the community works hard for its resources and so should you do!
Altough if you want do use any of my textures (read the section "Stuff" to see wich are mine)
for any NON-COMMERCIAL/FREE product/map you may do so, as long as you drop me a few lines via mail and credit it correctly. ;)
Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.