The place of stupid
Quake 3 arena (CTF)
Title: MTL-CTF3
Logname: The place of stupid
Created: 2006 06 08
Author: MaTeL1S
Email: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
Description: Mid sized CTF map. Uknown gameplay, good for fastcaps.
Base: NON
Editor: GTK Radiant 1.4
Other programs: Photoshop
Known bugs: Some fps drops
Build time: ~2 weeks
Compile time: ~2hours
#Map info
Mods: CTF
Bot file: Yes (but bots dont play)
Total brushes: 6539
New textures: Yes [ supportborder_blue_M.jpg \ supportborder_M.jpg \ supportborder_redskull_M.jpg ]
New sounds: No
New models: No
New music: No
How to play: Open console, write "/map mtl-ctf3"
W65B61S, abbd, all LTg crew, all quakers, id software.
No one can ask you money for this map!
The map can not be modified without my agree
(C) MaTeL1S

Good luck & have fun!
