Lust Spite & Malice
Title : Lust Spite & Malice
Filename : rmtdm7.bsp
Author : Richard Tompkins
Email : **email removed**
Date : Dec 2003
Other maps by me : rtctf1 ; rtctf2 ; rtctf3 ; rtctf1ver2 (Quake2)
: rmtdm1 rmtdm2 rmtdm3 rmtdm4 rmtdm5 (Quake3
Play Info :FFA 2-4 players

Extract the rmtdm7.pk3 to your baseq3 folder

The map should appear in the skirmish/multiplayer menus
Tools : GTK Radiant
Thanks :Id software; Quake3world Forums

Mapobjects GR_Trees:Krischan Makowka (aka GrimReaper) **email removed**
TS-Torch01:Michel "The-Shadow-TS" Duhaime **email removed**
ID Recreations
SKybox:Mighty Pete **invalid URL**

Copyright / Permissions

Its mine.
