Thanks to: PHHucker: **invalid URL**, Cardigan, Evil_Lair, Burial-Grounds,
Rob Peterson
* MAP Information *
New textures: Various sets from evil_lair: **invalid URL**
New sounds: None
New models: Generator by evil_lair: **invalid URL**
New Skys: Spacebox pack by Cardigan: **invalid URL**
* Construction *
Base: From scratch
Const. time: Rescaled from a map I made called beta of a map I had started awhile back. On and off forever.
Compile machine:Intel P4 2.53 MHz, 512mb RAM
Editor used: GtkRadiant v1.2.13
Known Bugs: None known. Please email me at **email removed** if found
* Distribution / Copyright / Permissions *
Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
Any commercial use without permission is prohibited.
Authors MAY NOT decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.