Title : PainKiller RMX (BETA)
PK3 Name : rsptn_TRN01.pk3
Author : Jakab "RasputiN" Marton
Release Date : 06 December 2002
Game : Quake 3: Arena
Type : Tourney & DeathMatch
File Size : 1.4 MB
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Previous Work : NeverSummer Nights [rsptn_FFA01.pk3]
Special Thanks : id Software for kicking major ass
ztn for building the original map
( and allowing me to do this remix )
pjw for all his help
( comments, suggestions, brush work... big thnx! )
Thanks to : Rorshach for the textures
Beta Testers : stor!acl, pjw, Tetzlaff
This is sort of a remake of PainKiller by ztn, originaly for Q1 and Q2.
I came across a rather draft Q3A conversion some time ago and I thought
it deserved much better treatment. I tried a lot of custom textures to
find the one that fits it best, load up the level and see if I succeeded.
Some minor brush changes and - more importantly - item changes have been
made, so it's not a 100% pure conversion. Think of it as a PainKiller
remix, slightly mutated to provide a smooth Q3A tourney experience.
HINT: try it in CPMA... there are a few 1337 trick jumps :)
[ what, you still don't have it? playmorepromode.com/ ]
Game Style : Tourney
Number Of Players : 2
Default Bots : ranger
Item List : RA YA / MH / RL GL LG SG PG
Spawn Tweaks : MH --> 120 sec
RA --> 60 sec
YA --> 30 sec
Base : PainKiller for Q1 by ztn [ztndm3.bsp]
Texture Scheme : Singlemalt by Rorshach
Colour Scheme : brown / yellow / green
New Models : none
New Shaders : none
New Sounds : none
Construction Time : nearly two months ( approx. 150 work hours )
Average R_Speeds : ~3k
Worst R_Speeds : ~7k
Total Brushes : ~640
Total Entities : ~180
Point Lights : ~85
Editors Used : GtkRadiant 1.2.10-update
Other Programs : GtkBuild 2.0 / q3map2 by ydnar / Paint Shop Pro 7
Known Issues : hopefully none! mail me if you think otherwise...
Q3MAP BSP Time : 3 seconds
Q3MAP VIS Time : 9 seconds
Q3MAP RAD Time : 10 seconds // -light -fast 0wnz me :)
Extra Lighting : no
BSPC Time : 14 seconds
AAS Optimized : yes
Compile Time : ~1 minutes
Compile Machine : Celeron2 900MHz, 256 MB, GeForce4 TI4200, Win XP Pro
You MAY use the included custom textures & shaders, or modifications
thereof, provided you give note of such in an attached readme.
You MAY distribute this pak file and/or its contents by any electronic
means, provided you leave the contents unaltered and include this text.
You MAY NOT distribute this pak file and/or its contents on CD without
written permission from the author.
You MAY NOT decompile the BSP as a base to build other levels without
written permission from the author.
* "Caulk me baby one more time ..." *