Tri_clonus by GranMasterQ!


Start Date: May 5, 2002
Finish Date: Oct.10, 2002
Quake3Arena DM/TDM level

title: Tri_Clonus

file: Tri_Clonus.pk3

author: GranMasterQ aka: Quentin Wallis

email address: **email removed**


description: A tribute to Gonnakillya's Contortion Map!



editor: GtkRadiant
build time: seven weeks (off and on)
compile time: About 1.5 hours (full vis light -extra)
known bugs: none




Very Special thanks to:

Rob Peterson AKA Gonnakillya
Mark Fry AKA Nakedape
Everyone at **invalid URL** who answered any of my questions
Anyone who has posted a Q3 tutorial
& Evil Lair for his kick ass textures!


Distribution / Copyright / Legal Crapola to keep the lawyers happy
(and who likes a happy lawyer?)

Copyright (c) 2001, Quentin Wallis, **email removed**
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

Evil Lair textures are property of their respective owners.

All other media created by and property of Quentin there :)

All textures and media contained within this PK3 file remain
property of their respective owners.

Go ahead and distribute this level....only at NO CHARGE to the recipient
in its current state. It must include this .txt file, and may NOT be
modified in any way. Just email me and let me know..... :)

Blah, blah, crap...blah, blah!


The End.
