Date: 7 april 2002
Quake 3 arena level
Title: tranquil place
File: tranquil.bsp
Author: Mj(Metal jacket)
Email address: **email removed**
Description: Small gothic style arena.Good for FFA 2-6 players
Play information
Deathmatch: yes
Tourney: no
Bot file: yes
New sounds: yes
New textures: no
How to start: Unzip tranquil.pk3 into your quake3/baseq3 directory
Base: From scratch
Editor: GTKradiant 1.2.1 and 1.2.6 nightly (**invalid URL**)
Other progs: GTKbuild v2.0 by Sagnor
Packscape v0.11 by Peter Engstrom
id software inc. for making Quake 3 arena.
Ricebug and Bubba"s arena, online tutorial"s.
fuGs clan for testing the map (Thx guys and have a nice day....:)
Tig from LVL map site (**invalid URL**)....(thanks for the help)