by Tymo
14th of September 2001
Quake3Arena Tourney/DM level.

* General *

Title.....................: Flashback
Filename..................: tymo3t3.pk3
Author....................: Henning [Tymo] Janssen
E-mail....................: **email removed**
URL.......................: **invalid URL**

* Play Information *

Tourney...................: yes
Deathmatch................: yes
Team-DM...................: no
CTF.......................: no
Botsupport................: yes

Playerstarts..............: 9
Weaponry..................: rl, gl, pg, rg, lg, sg

Unzip tymo3t3.ZIP and place tymo3t3.PK3 into your
Quake3Arena/baseq3/ directory. Start the map from
the multiplayermenu.

* Construction *

Base......................: My first Q1-Map
Editor / Tools used.......: Q3Radiant build 202, bobToolz
Compile machine...........: PIII 600, 256MB, Win98
Brushes...................: 2526
Entities..................: 116
Compile time
bsp.....................: 18 seconds
vis.....................: 730 seconds
light...................: 4620 seconds
bspc....................: 119 seconds
Textures..................: Quake3Arena, THAN_INDUSTRIAL TEXTURE SET
Known Bugs................: none known

* Credits *

id Software...............: Creating Quake
^sorb-rAw^................: Suggested the name
-cha0s-...................: Betatesting ( www.chaosquake.de )
bS^slyght.................: Betatesting ( **invalid URL** )
GomJabbar.................: Betatesting ( **invalid URL** )
M. Kupfer.................: Betatesting ( **invalid URL** )
Than......................: THAN_INDUSTRIAL TEXTURE SET ( **invalid URL** )
the author of the skybox..: I downloaded it some times ago, but I can't remember url or authorname :(

* Distribution / Copyright / Permissions *

Copyright (c) 2001 Henning [Tymo] Janssen. All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You're not allowed to modify anything contained in the tymo3t3.zip/pk3-file.
You're allowed to redistribute this level via electronic media such as Internet,
and free of charge. Any commercial use without a permission is prohibited.
