Title: GLooM
Filename: Storm3tourney1.pk3
Author: StormShadow
Homepage: **Invalid URL**
Contact info: email - **email removed** **email removed** irc - irc.enterthegame.com #lvldesign #ntclan
Map info: TOURNEY or small ffa, reccomended for play as tourney.
Description: Relatively small map with one large main room with several smaller rooms and a large hallway off to one side
Items: 2 YA, RL, RG, PG, LG, SG, MH
Custom Textures: Evil7 textures by evil lair (**invalid URL**) and a custom jump pad by U8Poo
Custom Models: Crow md3 by mike majernik (**email removed**)
Bots: Bots navigate the level well, but in FFA they stick to the RL area a little too much. They do quite well in 1v1
Bugs/Problems: None (i hope)
Construction: q3radiant 2.02
Compile/aas: q3build 1.4
Levelshot editing: adobe photoshop 5.5
Other: Arenamaster (for .arena file)
Construction time: On and off for about 4-5 weeks (mostly off :P )
Compile time: 5-10 mins for build 15 for light 5 for aas
Compile machine: pIII 600 256 RAM
Install instructions: unzip into baseq3 folder, map will show up in map list under ffa and tourney.
Thanks to: Evil Lair for the great texture set, U8Poo for the custom j-pad. Thanks to mike majernik for the crow md3 map object
(sorry i dont know this guys handle, thanks to him neglecting to add his name into the readme file) nT.Soul_torcher,
nT.BlackIce, nT.Thunder, TheAce,]DR[Demonwarp, nT.Vegeta nT.ProjeKct for beta testing on server, and all the helpful
guys on the quake3world.com forums who gave me beta feedback! And im really sorry if i left anyone out.
Copywrite info: This map may not be distributed for profit. If you want to distribute it over the internet or include it in a map
pack you MUST include this readme.txt and give me proper credit, or get my permission (**email removed**)
Other notes: This map plays incredibly well against human competitors, its very fast paced and fun. It loses a bit of challenge
when played with bots (as all maps do) but it still flows quite well as a tourney map. Hope you enjoy the map!