Mali'e (Running Through Propellers)
by Dru
Title : Mali'e (Running Through Propellers)
PK3 Name : druel2.pk3
Date : 20/9/01
Author : Andy "Dru" Burrows
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**

Misc. Author Info : Inspired by the band Dredg (**invalid URL**), as well as by
"Kihaku (Intensity)" (**invalid URL**) - It may
not wear its influences on its sleeve, but they did, in
their own manner, give rise to this creation. Thanks where
thanks is due, see below.

Description : Small map suitable for 1-on-1 tourneys as well as FFA of up to
4 players - Although it may still work with more players, I'd be
surprised if it didn't become very cramped.

Thanks to : My Mali'e - I love you to the stars.

Additional Thanks to : Jonah - **invalid URL** (Thanks for the song)
Pingu - **invalid URL**
IsmiteU - **invalid URL**
Peej -
Ikka - **invalid URL**
Vondur - **invalid URL**
Mr CleaN - **invalid URL**
Pappy-R - **invalid URL**
Tigger-On - **invalid URL**
The guys on the PRP Messageboard - **invalid URL**
Interscope -
Simon Brody - **invalid URL**
(Kudos for putting up with my fanboy ranting and UK Tour requests)
last but not least,
Drew Roulette, for closing my eyes and allowing me to see.

Additional Notes : When I was hit with creative block and was searching for some
form of inspiration, it took me a long, long time to find it.
Then I did.

Jonah is the nicest guy in the world. Go to his site and
check his stuff out. Great music and a wonderful person.

Pingu gave me great help from day one, a lot of the ideas
you see in this map were originally his. Very nice guy, too.

IsmiteU showed me the wonderful way the world works by
hosting my website on his own. Thanks, bud. (Also a really
*good* guy)

Pappy-R is cool for a Canadian.

Nechaboi, Metzy, Seal 6, Jesty and Big Dog - Hats off.

Previous Work : "The Fragile" for Quake 2
(**invalid URL**)

"Mali'e (Further Away)" for Quake 3 Arena
(**invalid URL**)

Both are available from my hole in the ground
(**invalid URL**) and Fileplanet
(**invalid URL**).


* Play Information *

Game : Quake 3
Bot Match : Route Included
Deathmatch : 1-on-1, 2-on-2, 2-4 FFA
Capture The Flag : No
Tourney : Yes

* MAP Information *

BSP Name : maps/druel2.bsp
Shader Name : scripts/druel2.shader
Textures : textures/druel2/*
Extra LIGHT : Yes
VIS level 4 : Yes

* Construction *

Base : New
New Textures : Yes
New Shaders : Yes (with help from Mr CleaN and Peej)
Construction Time : 4 months
Testing Time : 3 weeks
Editor used : Q3Radiant
Qutilities : Q3MAP
Other utilities : BSPC, Photoshop, Textpad
Known Bugs : None

* Copyright / Permissions *

All original and composed textures in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

All original and edited shaders in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.

You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels and
MAY use the textures and shaders but give credit where credit is due.

You MAY distribute this PK3 in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include all files intact in
the original archive, and send me a copy of the electronic medium.

All textures used in this map are id textures unless stated below:

teleport.tga - Property of Peej,

iknemesisfloor_met128e.jpg & iknemesiswtrimh_64b.jpg - Property of
Ikka, **invalid URL**

dragon_wall.jpg, honor_wall.jpg, kihaku_wall.jpg, power_wall.jpg,
pic1.jpg, crimban_1.tga, crimban_1b.tga & banner_top.tga - Property
of Mr CleaN, **invalid URL**


dredg_smpl1.wav is a sample from "Movement II - Crosswind Minuet"
by Dredg Copyright Dredg 1999 **invalid URL**

dredg_smpl2.wav is a sample from "Of the Room",
by Dredg Copyright Dredg 2001 **invalid URL**

dredg_smpl3.wav is a sample from "Wind at the End",
by Dredg Copyright Dredg 2001 **invalid URL**

All sound files used with permission.
Dredg are signed to Interscope Records, 2001

* Where to get this level *

**invalid URL**
Fileplanet... Probably...
My house, too. You'll know its mine because of the three hundred foot catharsis that's lurking in the patio. Bless the anchor and the spittle, and the turtle that lurks in the outside of the iris. Hot and bodied, I'm falling colder. Prize me away. I dare you. Don't fall for it, don't fall for me.
