by polo

Title : apologie
Filename : polo3dm4
Author : polo
website : polo2ro.free.fr
E-mail : **email removed**
Description : small 1 v 1 map

* Play Information *

Game : Quake 3
Bot Match : Route Included
Deathmatch : 1on1/3-4 FFA
Capture The Flag : No

* MAP Information *

BSP Name : maps/polo3dm4.bsp
Shader Name : scripts/polo3dm4.shader
Textures : textures/polotex_*/*
Sounds : no
Extra LIGHT : yes
VIS level 4 : Yes

* Construction *

Base : New
New Textures : yes
New Shaders : yes
Construction Time :
Editor used : GTKradiant 1.1 - TA
Qutilities : Q3MAP
Other utilities : BSPC, Photoshop


tests thanks: shod, deveorian, fredd, bleader, bierfoot

textures thanks: Q3hh4, Q3hh3, ikka, mrclean, kona, Jason Abbott

others thanks: idsoftware, **invalid URL**

You MAY distribute this PK3 in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include all files intact in
the original archive.
