
Bouncin 'Tween Da Boxen Readme


** Vitals **
Title : Skeeter
Release Date : 11/15/2001
Filename : skeeter.pk3
Maps : skeeter.bsp
Author : Bryn "BadMonkey" Mosher
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Description : Quake III Arena Map


** Description **
This is a strange map. please refer to
skeeter_instructions.html for detailed information.
The .map file is included for your own tweaking.


** Instructions **
1 ) Extract skeeter.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/ directory.
2 ) Read skeeter_instructions.html
3 ) Start Quake3.
4 ) Skeeter will be accessable from the menu or type "/map skeeter"
at the console.


** Play Information **
type of game : Skeet Shooting Bots
Settings : Deathmatch
Bot Support : Bots are fully supported
Level Name : skeeter
Single Player : bots
Cooperative 2-4 Player: bots
Deathmatch Player : yes
Ctf : no
Difficulty Settings : entirely up to you
Development Box : Win2K PIII 667 (666?) with 256MB RAM
compile time : approx 20 minutes


** Credits **
Id made Quake III Arena, I made the textures, some sounds,
shaders and the map.


** Thanks to **
Diane, Gummer, Chunk, Tig and ..::LvL


** Legal Stuff **

(c) 2001 Bryn "BadMonkey" Mosher
You are not to include or distribute this map in any sort of
commercial product without first obtaining permission from the
author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks,
and floppy disks without first obtaining permission from the
author. Bryn Mosher is responsible for nothing, so don't blame
