Title: "BLoodmart"

Author: Antonio 'Mayhem' Dibella

Email: **email removed**

Truth is, even though there is no department store textures, the scale of the map is very accurate and still provides a good rush. For Quake 3 its pretty cool for a while but the models in Urban Terror make it more like your a swat officer dealing with terrorists. I made a duplicate pk3 file that adds a new texture that gives the whole map a different feel. Keep that pack out of baseq3 at first then try it out after you get sick of the standard version. I encourage people out there to comment about wich they prefer. Lastely feel free to recreate a similar map with actual textures from storshelves. That would be cool. includes

q3martdm.txt----this readme

q3martdm.pk3-------"Department Store map----" by Mayhem ----extract into your baseq3 folder--and select map in skirmish setup.

q3martdm_lazer.pk3--------Same map but with a Lazer Tag feel----------extract to same folder as above after placing q3martdm.pk3 in a different/temporary folder.

!!!Never Have both of these maps in baseq3 at same time!!!

Map was created using Qoole 2.5 level editor for Quake 2 and then converted for Quake3 and Urban Terror with the tool Q2toQ3A by David Frey aka Mastaba--- thanks alot Mastaba

The arena file works on my computer and the maps show up in the front end. IF they don't show up in the Quake 3 map list, just start the game with another map and type in the console:

/map q3martdm

Use the same map name for either pk3 in use. But once again DON'T! have both pk3 files in the BASEQ3 DIRECTORY

