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i'd recommend adding cpm to the game type under overview as there are obviously routes intended only for cpm e.g. health to shards and ya to shards to health on the upper ledges, the stairs to 50h, the air change generally around the MH area. the only problem here then is the height of the top of the map and a fewer other areas but ceiling height has been a problem over many of munyul's maps.
I think it is also worth noting in the screenshot, the version of the map is not the same as the final release. The wall below the rg is extended out to the edge of the upper platform next to the platform in the slime below. There is also wall trim adjacent this platform suggesting originally there were jumps from here up to the middle section of the map and perhaps also the top. I presume the wall was pushed back to prevent rail shots from up top when going for the mh/quad, and now superfluous the trim was also removed. This clearly suggest that Munyul was designing specifically for cpm here.
Edited 17.68 hours after the original posting.
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Well many mappers have created maps exactly like yours and it's jut the same. Sorry man but i dont really like this map but the good thing is that it's textures are fantastic.
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#6 30 Nov 2002
you don't need to RJ to reach the RA you can simply CSJ to the Jump Pad to reach it... no health lost.
and this is a very nice map... plain jane but very fun.
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#5 30 Nov 2002
you don't need to RJ to reach the RA you can simply CSJ to the Jump Pad to reach it... no health lost.
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#4 14 Sep 2002
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#2 12 Sep 2002
WOW, Muny is still making levels! I remember his levels for Quake 1, most of which were quite excellent! Luckilly, he's one of the few map authors who don't feel a need to radically change his design style over time. I look forward to more!
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#1 12 Sep 2002
A very nice playing map indeed!
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