Stranglehold by Jax_Gator
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#18   12 Dec 2020
This is a heck of an addictive tourney map! Haven't tried the FFA version but this is such a well conencted, superbly thought map geared fully towards gameplay. It's very small so nowhere to hide... which only pumps up the tension! A keeper!
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^^Ch@os^^ unregistered
#17   08 Feb 2002
ack, I was in a real bad mood when I posted that comment....LOL!
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^^Ch@os^^ unregistered
#16   08 Feb 2002
wow not entered, you are such a gutless pos yourself. Posting anonymous, and bringing the ratings of these maps down as low as you can? I assume your map got a bad rating here or something? Loser!
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not entered unregistered
#15   08 Feb 2002
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Strahlemann unregistered
#14   07 Feb 2002
Had great fun while playing some 1on1s. Great tourney-action!
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Q-Fraggel unregistered
#13   05 Feb 2002
Nice map, just a little bit too small for me.

But fun :)

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pjw unregistered
#12   02 Feb 2002
uuhhm: Guessed it in one. :) This is the smaller (tourney) version of the FFA map.

SH: Basically, any textures that involve layered effects of some kind (often transparency).

I like this version as well, but not as much. It has really intense, fast play, and I have to be in a certain kinda nail-biting mood to really enjoy it--it's usually just too small for me (but that's totally subjective).

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elvis unregistered
#11   02 Feb 2002
took me a half an hour to dl this map. was it worth it? sure, but the lower level was kind of tight. but it works :)

i really liked the mega area, and was cool to rocket jump off the pad and try to scan for the bot. cool tricks and the whole nine, 9

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GarLicBUTTer unregistered
#10   02 Feb 2002
there is a trout in my pocket...


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SH unregistered
#9   02 Feb 2002
What are "dual pass textures"?
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uuhhm unregistered
#8   02 Feb 2002
Why is the same level reviewed twice? Or is this a different version??
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Bilirubin unregistered
#7   02 Feb 2002
This is fast, smooth action at its finest. Feels like a Quake level more than a Q3 map--and that's a good thing! :D
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Octovus unregistered
#6   02 Feb 2002
Oh well. It feels like it :-p
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^^Ch@os^^ unregistered
#5   02 Feb 2002
"Item placement was obviously well thought out way in advance.."'s funny you should say that. Item placement is NOTHING like it was in the begining. changed quite a bit from initial beta testing. This is my new favorite tourney map. sure, it's small...but the action is unbeatable IMO. I've had some of my favorite 1v1's on this map....all during beta! hahaha! Awesome map jax!

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Octovus unregistered
#4   02 Feb 2002
This was fun as a tourney or FFA. Nice simple texturing, nothing special but well done. Item placement was obviously well thought out way in advance, it's the high point of the level. One complait would be the very small size of the level; there's never much wondering where your opponent is because they're almost always withing the audible range. Anyways, it gets a 9, great stuff!


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Felonious unregistered
#3   02 Feb 2002
Lots of cool jumps on this baby. WEAT even made an AVI on possible trick jumps for this map. Awesome use of standard ID textures here making for a small file size. Jax also avoided using dual pass textures to make this baby fast and smooth. Check out the detail work on the walls of the pit and the lava/block floor.

Jax_Gator is a monster!

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bgc|Jack*Officer unregistered
#2   02 Feb 2002
Another winner from Jax!!

--watch out for the lava, it's hot...

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Commander Keen unregistered
#1   02 Feb 2002
I alpha and beta tested this map it went through many forms to finally arive at this great level you should definetly download and check it out!!!
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