Kiss Of Death
Kiss Of Death by Jax_Gator
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nice guy unregistered
#16   02 Dec 2001
jax nice map dood
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Jax_Gator unregistered
#15   30 Nov 2001
Thanks all for your complimentary comments. Maybe the reason the map hasn't been d/l'd all that much is because I had released it back in July to other sites the same time I sent it in to ..::LvL and the majority of the community grabbed it back then from those other sites.

And yes Octovus, jaxdm5 - Deimos has been in the queue since June 25th I believe. Unfortunately, the map queue has grown quite rapidly and Tig and the crew just haven't been able to keep up. Hopefully, it'll get reviewed soon along with jaxtoruney1 and my recently released jaxdm8.


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Octovus unregistered
#14   28 Nov 2001
Then maybe I'll review it when I submit some more, if Kell or Tig don't get to it first (as I just sent some in). Though I don't know if I'm worthy of reviewing his maps :-)


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^^Ch@os^^ unregistered
#13   28 Nov 2001
Yes, and it's been there for months.
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Octovus unregistered
#12   28 Nov 2001
Is it in the queue(sp?)? He might have chosen not to submit it.
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^^Ch@os^^ unregistered
#11   27 Nov 2001
That last comment sucks, because this map is for everyone. I'd like to know why it's "not for everyone".

Wait till you guys get dm7 and dm8! :) And, why hasnt dm5 been reviewed yet?

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Mikey unregistered
#10   26 Nov 2001
It's that last comment that scares them away "but not for everyone"

It should say "This map is a absolute must have"

Great map a "10"

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Octovus unregistered
#9   26 Nov 2001
You know what's saddening? This map has been downloaded less than Aerial Dreams. Oh well :-(


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Jack*Officer unregistered
#8   26 Nov 2001
It's fun to shoot stuff on.
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Commander Keen unregistered
#7   26 Nov 2001
I've had this map for a long time now. It's been in the rotation at the burial-grounds for at least 4 months. I helped test it in BETA and it's been a great map since then. Only subtle changes where made between beta and final, because this map was too perfect. The flow and playability are awesome. The weapon placemnet provides a great balance even though you would think the RG is campable it's not easy to camp there. And the plentifull shotguns add to the balance. The adjacent red armor room attracts battles to the other rooms as well.
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hannibal unregistered
#6   23 Nov 2001
Well, this is a straight up FFA map that's pretty fun.
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Felonious unregistered
#5   20 Nov 2001
Just the right combination of open spaces for out and out dueling, and cover for making a quick getaway if you need to. the vertical gameplay is fantastic on this map as there are equal vantage points from either high or low positions. Flying rail shots and rocket combos are the norm on Kiss of Death and framerates are high and steady. Outstanding work by one of my favorite authors.
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^^Ch@os^^ unregistered
#4   20 Nov 2001
looks great, plays great, what else could you ask for? Just download the damn thing! ;)

If you're looking for a place to play it, check out Burial Grounds ;)

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Taz_FL unregistered
#3   20 Nov 2001
As always "Kiss Of death" places Jax_Gators mapping skills one step closer to perfection. I've played all of Jax's creations and with each new one I find myself more amazed then with the previous. If your looking for maps with great gameplay,as well as being superbly crafted then Jax_Gator is a mapper to keep your eyes on. Jax pays allot of attention to detail and even though this map is somewhat simple cosmetically, if you give it close scrutinization you will see that there are no errors in the construction,texture alignment or anything else for that matter. The weapon placement is good and provides a fast paced game. And for you rail lovers, well this map screams "RAIL ME".

If you liked this map then definitly keep your eyes peeled for his latest creation coming soon (it's now in Beta stage)Jaxdm8 "Iron and Stone" will rock your world.

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Octovus unregistered
#2   20 Nov 2001
Cool looking map that keeps it simple enough for all systems to be happy...including mine :-DDD

As always it's more than worth playing from Gator. Gameplay is a bit less inventive than most of his maps, but that's not saying much, is it? :-) Nice to see you trying something a bit more standard, and doing it very well.

Definitely worth grabbing for just about anyone, it's even good for a tourney or 2 (though none too serious).


P.S. 10 from me. Why, I don't know. Maybe I have to play it again...

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Rackat unregistered
#1   20 Nov 2001
This map plays extremely well! Excellent fragging with weapon distribution that makes for a fast paced game. Great for Rocket Whores, Rail Gods, and SSG lovers alike! And there's a special Pineapple Launcher at the top of the main room opposite the RA that was put in place for a special camper!

This map is also featured in Burial Grounds The Movie: Part II from Felonius Productions. Awesome all the way around. Another great map from Jax_Gator.

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