Catfish Cathedral
Catfish Cathedral by Catfish

A Gothic styled map with a few great features. Parts of this map are beautiful with a seamless blend of textures and architecture, others areas feel a little forced. The layout is pretty tight with lots of close up fighting. The Red Armour and second Rocket Launcher area looks very cool, but its not very well connected and so its easy to miss. Item placement is OK but could have been improved with a lot more tweaking. The BFG could have been left out all together (even with only 5 shots). It would have been good to replace the BFG's water hole with a bounce pad. Bots play ok but they are often left standing around doing nothing at the Rail Gun and on the platform above the BFG.

Some great sections and good game play.

Ranked: 3.6 out of 5 (10 votes)

Download: Catfish Cathedral by Catfish
