A Very Bad Place
December, 1999 - Jan, 2000

Title : A Very Bad Place
MapFilename : jk_dm4f.bsp

Author : Jerry Keehan,
aka PowZeR
Email Address : **email removed**
**email removed**

Map description : My first Quake 3 map for DM play.
Re-created in the likeness** of one of my
favorite Quake(1) deathmatch level!

Thanks to : id software, for the fine work on Q3A!
Special Thanks to : AzrKnight for his patience and encouragement!!
: DrDemento; for inviting me to stomped!

** this map is NOT a conversion, it is MY rendition of an all time great map!

***** Construction *****

Editor used : QERadiant build 147(for early versions constr) & Q3Radiant 1.0 beta build 179
Known Bugs : None. Please notify me if you find anything.
Compile machine : Celeron 450 w/256meg RAM
Compile Times : BSP, 26 secs; (norm)VIS 760 secs; (full) LIGHT 890 secs


Fixes in the final version:

Too many to name in a list, but if you played the last version
you shouldnt have any probs seeing the changes :)


* How to use the .pk3 *

1. copy jk_dm4f.pk3 to your baseq3 directory
2. Select via the SKIRMISH menu under: "free for all" for the single player game
against bots and anyone else for that matter:) or, at the console type "/map jk_dm4f"
3. Enjoy!!

*NOTE* insure that you have: /sv_pure 0 set from the console or +set sv_pure 0
after the command line and, make sure you have the Q3PointRelease_Jan1300.exe
installed or else you wont see the map from the skirmish menu.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This map, jk_dm4f.bsp is (c) by PowZeR, 1999.
You may distribute this .BSP FREELY via internet, provided you include this .TXT file
and leave the archive intact. If you'd like to use this .BSP file in any other way,
please contact me via E-Mail. If you let me know and give me a credit, I'll probably
give you the permission to use.
