In truth, I cannot in good conscience vote this map with a single gameplay idea executed with about 50 brushes above some of these other ones where there are literally dozens if gameplay ideas packed into a single map. Also, by comparison to other maps here, this map is aesthetically a non-factor. There really aren't any aesthetics, and I'll bet the author would say the same thing.
So by "middle ground" I'm talking like a 3, 4, or a 5 for being clever, although I wonder whether its being clever or just being mischievous in submitting such a simplistic map.
But its hard to say what kind of vote to give something like this. Yeah, its great that something "different" was tried, but I still have a hard time voting this one up above all these other wonderful mammoth efforts by other really good authors.
It's an experiment. So no need to vote too low or too high. I guess there's no separate voting for this, so I just pick some middle ground.