Cock Blocked
Cock Blocked by dONKEY
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Geniraul Rep. 1866
#3   11 Mar 2024
This level reminds me of QC's Awoken due to its nature — stone environment with the abundance of vegetation — and the color palette of grey and green. The idea of random teleporter brings more variability to the gameplay. I just wish the map was somewhat bigger, which is something that I find lacking in many dONKEY's releases.

The Rail Arena mode feels fun on this map, and playing it with Crash or Bones is a different story :} Although that is only the case until they run out of bullets, and from there on... take care :P

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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#2   19 Sep 2019
that's such a shame dONKEY I would have loved to have seen the completed series as you envisioned it. The style of it makes a lot of sense with those other maps too! It was still very kind of you to finish off what you had as a rail duel.
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dONKEY unregistered
#1   01 Sep 2019
Again, thanks HelterSkeleton for the review! And of course Tig for keeping lvlworld up! This was a map that I lost in my hard drive crash. I had this playable version, but no map file or models left. Originally it was going to be a much larger FFA level, but I never got to build the missing half. It was supposed to be a third map in a series, Duel Cores, Keppel Bay, then this one, all using the same assets. Such is life though!
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