E1M2: Deva Plant
E1M2: Deva Plant by FractalXX
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fractalxx Rep. 10
#6   29 May 2016
To be honest, I completely forgot the fact that Mars should be seen in the sky instead of Earth. I know where it is originally, I just didn't think much about the sky box.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#5   29 May 2016
Made another change to the review in relation to the skybox.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#4   29 May 2016
Ah well, may as well have removed the sentence. The skybox is all wrong IMO.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#3   29 May 2016
The original email / review stated "the Earth so close to the moon Phobos".

This stood out to me when editing as well. So much so that I almost removed the sentence. I left it in thinking I was missing something. The main reason was because nothing much made sense :] You would be standing on Deimos looking at Mars, with Phobos in view, then Phobos is not the correct shape at all. Then you would also have a gravity issue too.

If you are on the Earth, looking at Mars and Phobos this close to the Earth was just as wrong :]

Anyway, nothing seemed correct to me, so I left it as it was.

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Colton Rep. 397
#2   29 May 2016
I agree. Tig, you might wanna fix this reply, because I'm pretty sure Phobos is close to Mars, not Earth. Can't you guys get your astronomy right?!
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#1   28 May 2016
Sorry to butt in but, didn't I say "Mars" and not "Earth"? The location of this base is supposed to be on Phobos with Mars nearby.
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