redq3dm2'squared' by redfella
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AEon Rep. 780
#10   20 Aug 2009
Alas, another map by the author, I am torn between admiration and frustration. I love the clean texture design and the slick geometry. Again this is probably just "my problem", but the layout is confusing, and actually feels pointless at times, alas, i.e. corridors for the sake of corridors?
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#9   25 Jun 2009
i have to admit the texture set is nice. lack of health and armour is one thing that lets this level down. corridors always give any weapon additional power by limiting a targets range of motion. corridor duels are a paper-rock-scissors affair. i guess this is why the rail gun and lightning gun were left out. the corridors and walls really limit movement options around the map.
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{DEMO}LITION unregistered
#8   10 Feb 2004
Works now. But I tell you I tried ten times (I even copy and pasted it into my browser instead of clicking the link) but it wouldn't work. Thanks heaps, I'll be using them sometime soon.
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Lukin unregistered
#7   10 Feb 2004
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{DEMO}LITION unregistered
#6   09 Feb 2004
Pages can't be displayed Lukin. And I could get to file planet normally :S Thanks anyway.
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Lukin unregistered
#5   09 Feb 2004
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{DEMO}LITION unregistered
#4   06 Feb 2004
redfella wrote: Thanks for the kind words guys. :) I got another map that should be out soon... (by 2/15 hopefully). -Check it out.


Hurry! BTW anyone know where I can get the Andromeda texture set, because I searched every where (even on Speedy's site; I couldn't find a link there)?

Infact that reminds me, I better get on with my speedmap remake :D And then I have half turn that starts Friday next week, so I can do all of dmldm01 hopefully. Then I'll start dmldm02 with Speedy's Andromeda texture set if it is still available.

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redfella unregistered
#3   05 Feb 2004
Thanks for the kind words guys. :) I got another map that should be out soon... (by 2/15 hopefully). -Check it out.


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The Hubster unregistered
#2   24 Jan 2004
Scaling on this map (esp vertically), is a bit too tight imho.

I also found the long hallways to be a hindrance to this level.

Some good ideas in this one, but they needed to be executed a little better. Next attempt by this author should be something to watch out for though:-)

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[NE]Reaper unregistered
#1   24 Jan 2004
Nice one mate, happy to see your first review, here at Lvl. keep that way, this is the good one.
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