Custom Maps for Multiplayer
Started by MikeRiosHbg
MikeRiosHbg Rep. 0
#1   16 Jan 2012
Hey guys!

I'm new here, so please forgive me if this topic has already been posted.

I play Quake 3 Arena with some guys at work--we all have it installed on our work computers. I was wondering, what would I have to do in order for us to use a custom map? I've downloaded a couple of custom maps from this site, and they work great as long as I bring up the command prompt and type in \map [mapname]... however, when I go to create a multiplayer match (or even single), the custom level doesn't show up as an option. Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance!

Tig Rep. 2452
#2   16 Jan 2012
Hi. Check out the mappack "..::LvL Pack - the cream off the top". Included is a server config (lvl.cfg) that you can run from the console of the host server with \exec lvl.cfg - this will set up a map rotation of the maps in the pack.

You can also edit or write your own cfg script which will make thing a lot easier on a small LAN.

There is also some details here: which explain the aspects and settings when running a server.

And finally, you may want to the check out (from the top right of this page) Site -> F.A.Q. -> "How to play a map" (the final point). This explains why sometimes a map does not appear in the menu system.

FragTastic Rep. 2467
#3   18 Jan 2012
Tig is spot on!

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