map is lost_village
supportwateralpha? Yes
vis data? Yes
num triangles 422459
num vertices 595090
normalmins -3840.0 -4096.0 -256.0
normalmaxs 5120.0 4352.0 1792.0
size 8960.0 8448.0 2048.0
mapversion "220"
classname "worldspawn"
tb_textures "textures;textures/common;textures/stalker"
ambient "5"
fog ".3 .3 .25 .2 .6 20 2000 1500 30"
message "Lost Village"
light_lev "25"
q3map2_cmdline "-bsp -meta; -vis; -light -fast"
q3map2_version "2.5.17n-git-5daf2e2"
I'm not as familiar with Quakesandbox engine as Zircon, but I see DarkPlaces fog numbers. Those are incompatible with stock Q3 (99% certain, I remember fog being a crasher when I was trying to get some of my maps loading in your game).
So the "fog" could be a load issue for Quake Sandbox.
The editor because you need a smooth one to work details and all that.
The compiler because you need to be able to compile the details, the light map (if needed), visibility and so.
The engine because you need to be able to render all these triangles and shaders properly.
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