I recently made a standalone NextArena mod
Any chance you can re-package the release with the correct documentation that credits the original authors? Also, for the changes you have made, could you include either the source code or a link to where the code can be downloaded? A credits.txt with a list of all the mods and their original authors and download links could also be a good idea too.
At the moment, it is like you are trying to take the work of others and claim it as your own. I assume that is not the case, and credit where credit is due will help to remove that.
All this was done by me in 3.5 years.
And all these mods are folders with script files for
CustomMod - a mod system that I also made.
I of course have another project, OpenArenaPlus, which consists of 5 gb of different content.
And I also hasten to notify those who downloaded the 3.1.2 patch before 2021.07.07 an update was released. We need to download this patch again and unpack it with a replacement.
richoi have you played on Linux?
It works or not and how it works badly or well.
If that is the case, that is very impressive. Can you please confirm you are the author of all the content.
all characters have been discolored for repainting in the game.
Also, everything that is there except openarena is mine
A lot of the sounds, textures, models and shaders that you have included appear to be the work of many different people. You have not credited a single person from what I can tell. Did you request permission to use and include their creative work in your release without crediting? If that is the case, at the very least include that information in a document in the release.
I have also had a report that you do not have permission to repackage and redistribute OpenArena like this. Is it possible you could repackage your release as a mod for OpenArena by removing all OpenArena content? That would resolve all issues with OpenArena.
As it stands, I would not be able list or link to your NextArena release without a few changes due to the copyright issues.
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