q3dm12 edit request
Started by Artifex1979
Artifex1979 Rep. 0
#1   05 Jun 2019
Hi there,

I have no skills to edit a map. So I'm posting my request here if anyone is willing to do it.

It's a small edit to Q3DM12, the Dredwerkz. Actually, there are 3 modifications:

  1. Erase the BFG from this map
  2. Add a third place for power-ups where the BFG currently is. But not for another Quad damage or Regeneration power up, but for a random powerup (Haste, Invisibility, etc.)
  3. Change the BFG ammo next to the Light Armor to a Megahealth.
I guess this should improve the map. At least for my taste, I guess.
Tig Rep. 2442
#2   05 Jun 2019
You can do all that yourself with the Orange Smoothie or CPMA mod and a bit of research.

Edit: This is how you can do it.
Download the latest CPMA version from here: playmorepromode.com/downloads

Download this file: lvlworld.com/img/q3dm12raw.zip

In the "cpma" directory, create a "maps" directory and unzip "q3dm12raw.zip" to that location.

Open the "q3dm12raw.map" file in a text editor and edit the entities to suit. Some reasech may be needed for their names.

Start Quake 3 and select the CPMA mod.

Start any map

On the console, type \cv map !q3dm12raw

Your version of q3dm12 will (should) be loaded.

Artifex1979 Rep. 0
#3   06 Jun 2019
Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work. The game asks for a .bsp file. And all I got is the modified q3dm12raw file.

Edited 1.78 minutes after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2442
#4   06 Jun 2019
Works for me so you must be doing something wrong or there are minor differences in our settings. I will check my start settings tonight.
Artifex1979 Rep. 0
#5   06 Jun 2019
Thanks. I'm still trying
Tig Rep. 2442
#6   06 Jun 2019
OK, worked out what you are doing wrong, you have the wrong command. You did not type exactly what I had. You need to type:

\cv map !q3dm12raw

If you type

\map !q3dm12raw


\map q3dm12raw

you will get that error. It must be the same command as what I typed above. The "\cv" is for the "call vote" option that allows for a custom config script. The "map" says to use the map options of the call vote system. The "!" says to look for a map config file, not a BSP. And the "q3dm12raw" is the name of that custom config script (do NOT include the ".map" file extension).

Personally, I would get the system working first, then edit the custom map config or make a back up of the q3dm12raw.map file.

Artifex1979 Rep. 0
#7   08 Jun 2019
So I finally got everything working. Thanks a lot.

I didn't know CPMA, and it's very nice.

Only thing still troubling me is the player skins.

I couldn't find anywhere how to get the bots to play with their original model skin. They all look like Keel. How do you change that?

Edited 1.38 hours after the original posting.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#8   08 Jun 2019
Only thing still troubling me is the player skins.

I couldn't find anywhere how to get the bots to play with their original model skin. They all look like Keel. How do you change that?

Do you have "Force Player Models" in Game Options turned off?
Artifex1979 Rep. 0
#9   08 Jun 2019
Do you have "Force Player Models" in Game Options turned off?

It's OFF on Vanilla Quake 3.

But I can't find that option on CPMA.

Edited 19.68 minutes after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2442
#10   08 Jun 2019
The settings are all documented in the documentation here : playmorepromode.co...client-settings

Look for the section "Player Models & Colors CVars". You many need to restart the map to see the changes.

Artifex1979 Rep. 0
#11   09 Jun 2019

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