Tig, I wonder where you zipped yourself off to anyway...
I don't understand?
When he has the time he is going to update the site or do whatever else he needs to do?
If he's the one who goes to work (or he and Mand0g both), then he may have his hands full at the moment.
Tig Rep. 2472
#4 10 May 2016
I'm around, but yes, (as always) I keep myself busy.
If people want to help in relation to a site update, review a map on the map queue - lvlworld.com/queue - they all need one.
@Colton: I'm guessing you are hassling me to look at your patch files? I'll get to them.
Tig is one of a kind. He comes and goes.
MBT Rep. 353
#6 18 May 2016
Please don't grate on Tig!
He's doing all this here for us -
and he's doin' it for free ;)
I'm not trying to grate him @MBT - I'm simply prodding him, that's all. Like a little stick poking a man awake. Anyways, he zipped off again. You should probably trademark your character @Tig.
Edited 1.2 minutes after the original posting.
I'd say Tig definitely
does zip off, then comes back again for a bit @Blood.
Edited 11 seconds after the original posting.
One of a kind! Check the video for confirmation!
www.youtube.com/watchEdited 58 seconds after the original posting.
Haha Blood! Very cool. Been years since I have seen that :]
Welp... That's Tig for you there, I guess. XD
Anyways, Tig, I noticed a minor texture error with mfspacedm3. I sent you a link to a patch for this error. More details are in said email.
This thread is now locked.