Converting maps to work in Quake Live
Started by legoenwan
legoenwan Rep. 0
#1   13 Apr 2016
Hey guys, basically a noob when it comes to this stuff and could use some help.
I'd really love to get some of these maps playing on Quake Live, but I can't find a very good explanation online of HOW to convert the maps. There are various forum posts where someone casually mentions qldec, or qlmap2 , or something of that nature, but there isn't a step by step anywhere that I can find anyway :(

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks

Tig Rep. 2452
#2   13 Apr 2016
Play the maps with Quake 3 Arena and you won't even need to convert them :]
Colton Rep. 397
#3   13 Apr 2016
The advertisement lump in QL maps may prove problematic with Q3A, Tig. Depends on the engine used.

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