Convert levels to QL from Q3?
Started by Hipshot
Hipshot Rep. 336
#1   01 Nov 2015
I was thinking of actually putting up my levels for Quake Lives Workshop.

Ok, so what I know, I can change the bsp version easily by hex editing, but that leaves me with an "Funny lump error" as they seems to call it.

Do I really need to recompile my levels to do this and if so, where do I get a proper compiler? =)

CZghost Rep. 1799
#2   02 Nov 2015
Dude, I'm sure you will need to rebuild your map a bit in Radiant in order to make its gameplay corresponding with QL physics and if you want your map to be included in official map pack, you will need to add banners (at least that was made before QL moved to Steam). I don't know if there are still advert banners when it's a pay for play only...
leilei Rep. 443
#3   02 Nov 2015
@Hipshot - I think Q3map2 had a conversion feature that converted compiled bsps to another games' bsp format, though I never looked into it more myself if it supported Quake Live or not.

@CZghost - Quake Live is over. There is not going to be any more official mappacks. This topic strictly concerns the Workshop (and about an author adding their own original work at that, which is something the workshop doesn't have enough of!!!)

Edited 2.42 minutes after the original posting.

themuffinator Rep. 1064
#4   02 Nov 2015
Yeah we definitely need Solitude in there for starters! Yes you need to recompile to go from bsp 46 to 47 since QL will look for lump 47... which won't be there otherwise. A recompile would be better in any case... then you could remove those godawful Maverick banners. Also: some clipping is needed by that Maverick banner... the wall catches you when you drop down from RA to stairs.

There's a QL build switch with the GtkRadiant 1.6.x q3map2... I think it's -game ql.

If you'd like I could send a link for modified Solitude entities with QL features added? Really eager to finally see that map in play!

Hipshot Rep. 336
#5   02 Nov 2015
I've solved it, there indeed is a Q3map2 switch that let's you just convert the level, no need to recompile.
I'll write the process once I get home, cause I'm at work now.

This is Rustgrad at steam workshop ->

White_Insane Rep. 0
#6   03 Nov 2015
Concerning old maps which are good and for example you want to use it on your own server for playing custom maps online.
Do we need to contact each author and ask for permission to do so, or can we do it ourselves and just mention in the discription that the level is just converted to ql format but giving credits to author instead?

I'm asking since I have roughly more than 80maps in my q3 folder which I would like now to convert and play online in quakelive.

The thing is I do not wish to steal someones credits, just to make it available inside quakelive for server with custom maps mappool. And afkors if the map in it's original readme has author's e-mail I will contact the author and let him know, otherwise I'll just convert and give a credit to him in description.

If that is forbidden I just won't do it.

Thanks everyone for constructive feedback.....also I myself haven't ever made a map, but I'm really interested in the process of doing so, are there any good tutorials to start with?

Cheers to all

CZghost Rep. 1799
#7   03 Nov 2015
As far as I remember, authorship of the map was indicated by author key in worldspawn entity, but I don't know how it's made now. Since QL made pay for play only I can't play QL anymore and I won't eighter. I will still do mapping, but only for Q3, if someone will complain about converting map to QL, I'll probably give him permission to convert it with giving the original credits. Main converts may be adding Green Armor and Team Arena items support, but retexturing and minor layout changes also does not sound bad...
Hipshot Rep. 336
#8   03 Nov 2015
This is the line to use in Q3map2 2.5.17
q3map2.exe -game quake3 -convert -format quakelive mymap.bsp

@White_Insane, I don't think you should convert those maps, I think you should try and get in contact with the author. I can however understand if that's not possible... hmm

leilei Rep. 443
#9   03 Nov 2015
Most authors often had email addresses on illfated community hosts (planetquake and telefragged being big obvious ones) Some authors intend to be reclusive. I'm on the "let sleeping dogs lie" side of things. A bounced email does not mean "yay i have permission to post autor is dead its public domain".

Somebody just uploaded The Simpsons Map to QL. Content creators that spend actual effort just got fucked over :/
I've seen ONE workshop thing removed though, the Conni model - only because it was nude; nevermind the obvious permission issues...

Edited 4.05 minutes after the original posting.

White_Insane Rep. 0
#10   03 Nov 2015
Yeah I have few maps which date to early quake 3 arena like 2002-2005, so if the author is not present, e-mail is changed there is no way in contacting the author, that's why I asked.

@CZghost - if you ever payed quakelive premium or pro for yearly subscription then just contact support, you will get the free game. Quake3 is also not a free game tbh. it's even more expensive than quakelive is now, the thing is there is quake3 to download via torrent. I bought q3 in 2001 and payed it 50$ at that time, 10€ for this is nothing. If you never bought the game, maybe it's time to show them support no matter what, for me using the product but refusing to buy it is a no-no in my head, or maybe that's just me.

@hipshot I will try to convert 2 maps and add to workshop in coming days with credits to authors, (those few maps dated 8+years) and see how it goes. also what is the last version of q3map2 ? I found 5.16 on moddb....or there is a newer version somewhere ?

Edited 1.35 minutes after the original posting.

Hipshot Rep. 336
#11   03 Nov 2015
You need 5.17, it's included in the latest GTKR1.6 release
CZghost Rep. 1799
#12   04 Nov 2015
I never felt the need for paying a premium or pro subscription. Game was free to play up to 30 maps and with standard Q3 game modes, which was all I need to be able to play. Now the game was charged and since I know it was free to play and I played it for free, I won't play it anymore when it's pay to play...
Hipshot Rep. 336
#13   04 Nov 2015
Uh? If you had the game before you don't need to pay for it.
New players needs to pay.
CZghost Rep. 1799
#14   04 Nov 2015
Even when lost account? I paused playing for a long while, my account was deleted...
PaN61 Rep. 503
#15   04 Nov 2015
Even when lost account? I paused playing for a long while, my account was deleted...

I'm afraid it's bad luck for those of us in this situation, my friend.

Hipshot Rep. 336
#16   04 Nov 2015
@ themuffinator, what change more specifically do you want me to take a look at in Solitude? I will remove the banners, that's already planned, someone have mentioned the inclusion of a GL in this level, that might be fun, so I will probably look at that too.
White_Insane Rep. 0
#17   04 Nov 2015
@hipshot those who had it allready installed on steam prior to switching the pay model recieved the game for free. For all new installs 10€ is a neccessity.....Also thank you for heads up on 5.17 relese.

@czghost I ll probably be playing quake till I die so 10€ is a funny price:)

leilei Rep. 443
#18   04 Nov 2015
There's still OA at least, which is actually quietly progressing as a reboot, though in recent threads in places its existence seems replaced by Reflex as the general QL alternative which is also as costly. :S

UT(4) vs Toxikk is a similar situation, especially with Toxikk ripping off UT maps wholesale now.

But back on topic, what about the .aas? I read there's a BSPC versioning crisis so there's no way to bot your new QL maps.

Edited 3.05 minutes after the original posting.

Hipshot Rep. 336
#19   09 Nov 2015
No problem, the AAS issue can be solved. I spent a good time testing and trying to get the bots ported to QL and it worked, it was kinda simple too.

What you do is that you compile the aas using the old version of bspc with the line "bspc.exe -bsp2aas m8/rustgrad.bsp -forcesidesvisible" then you use the newer Q3map2 (5.17) with the line "q3map2.exe -fixaas rustgrad.bsp". What happens now is that the old aas becomes corrupted, just open a hex editor and change the first 4 set of 00s from 00 00 00 00 to 45 41 41 53, now it's a proper aas again, but it will be out of date, so run this with the newer bspc, "bspc.exe -optimize -reach rustgrad.aas"

I used these steps and the one above to convert rustgrad from Q3 to QL with bots and so.

Szaman Rep. 138
#20   23 Nov 2015
Any chances to see those maps on QL?:)

I doubt that authors of those maps are still active here. It would be great to save those maps from dying and add them to QL or to Workshop Steam.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#21   23 Nov 2015
Martinus is active and he had few attempts to QL mapping, but failed. Now everyone can make maps for QL, it is no longer fixed to weekly updates as it was in the browser era. The only one requirement is to have an account to play - for testing. Also there is an issue with bot play compile, which you can read above. That's beyond my understanding, though... Also, 30 € is expensive for me and as I do not play Quake every day but occassionaly to test some new stuff or just have a fun, it's extremely inconvenient for me to investition... I'm sure I'm not the only one with that issue...
leilei Rep. 443
#22   23 Nov 2015

If those maps are "dying" or "dead", then taking them into QL's workshop without proper authorization would be pissing on their graves.

Colton Rep. 397
#23   22 Jul 2016
You don't need to do all that Hipshot. What I did simply was:
  1. Convert map to QL using latest q3map2
  2. Reach the aas file using plain old bspc -reach mymap.aas using the newest bspc
  3. Enjoy! Bots should work just fine now.
Edited 59 seconds after the original posting.
DoubleDragon Rep. 0
#24   02 Feb 2017
Just wanted point out how to change that IBSP. to IBSP/ Simply open the bsp in a text file preferably a code editing notepad like ++ and change IBSP. directory by replacing the fallowing decimal after IBSP with a forward slash / not a .........................................DOT..................................... Switch from 46 to 47 looks like this done IBSP/ and to go back looks like this done IBSP.


I know this is old post but wanted to shed some real knowledge before someone gets stuck reading ideas not facts thanks.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#25   03 Feb 2017
@DoubleDragon: That won't work. You can't change just the IBSP version without actually changing structure to match Quake Live's map format. Quake Live maps have additional lumps, that have to be included in the new format map, but hexaediting the IBSPv46 to IBSPv47 does not automatically create them. They have to be created by compiler. That way it's recommended to ALWAYS use q3map2 for such conversions. And of course you have to repair botfile to work with the new format (which is bspc's work)...

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