by Lee David Ash
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FPS rating: Below Average
Bot compatibility: Decent
Map type: Capture the Flag
BSP size: 3.6Mb
Brush count: 1116
Entity count: 260
Vis type: Fastvis
Completion Date: 19/01/01
Credit/Thanks2: id software, D.L.ASH, CorbX.

Known flaws:-
May be able to see through the
floors under the grating around
the flags. Nothing I could do.

Designer's note:-
The original design of this had
close to 2500 brushes and
stretched from one end of the
Q3R grid to the other, which,
ofcourse, is a ridiculous size for
a Q3A map. That took up a lot of
my time and in the end inevitably
failed. With that in mind, I feel
pretty proud of the map I ended up
with. I think it's fun to play and
looks good, which, in my opinion,
is what mapping is all about.
