Title : Mu.innellim
Date : 1-26-2001
Filename : map-charon3dm4.pk3
Author : Charon
Email Address : **email removed**
: (best to visit my site and get my current email address)
Website : **invalid URL**

Description : My answer to the call of the tech/base map
: and my first map of the millennial year of 2001.
: This map uses grays and blacks with some highlights
: of blue as its texture base. The level is set in some
: form of space-station or unearthly facility that
: has a great deal of electricty scowering through it.

Additional Credits to : id software, Normal, Shinnick, DeathKnighT,
: Yves Allaire aka evil lair(**invalid URL**)
: and anyone I might have missed

- Play Information -

Players : 3 to 6
Bots : Yes - custom bots - Mu_v.1 Mu_v.2 Mu_v.3
: and yes the bots are suppose to say really stupid things
Weapons : Rocket Launcher(2), Railgun, Super Shotgun,
: Grenade Launcher, Plasmagun


Unzip the the zip file into your quake3\baseq3 directory.
Start quake3 and either select it from your map list or press tilde to enter the console and type:
"/sv_pure 0"
press enter
"/map charon3dm4"

- Construction -

Base : None
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : Must have /com_hunkmegs set to 64 or higher
Build Time : 2 weeks(roughly)

Textures used : Mainly slightly modified version of the Evil6
: texture pak by Yves Allaire aka evil lair.
: I recieved permission from the Yves Allaire
: before modifying the textures. His site is:
: **invalid URL**

Compile machine : P3/500 overclocked to 559 with 384megs RAM
q3map compile Time : TOTAL - 102 minutes(6124 seconds)
: BSP - 25 seconds
: VIS - 602 seconds
: LIGHT - 5497 seconds
Brushes : 2925

- Copyright / Permissions -
You map not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks
without permission from the author. This map contains textures produced by
Yves Allaire aka evil lair(Email: **email removed**). To see his copyright and
permissions look in the file:
