The Utility Structure

Title : The Utility Structure
PK3 Name : nkstrdm3.pk3
Author : Nickster
Email Address : **email removed**
Previous Work : cthdrldm1, nkstrdm1, nkstrdm2
Description : A medium-large sized tech arena.

Thanks to : id Software, whoever made BSPC-GUI. It was a great help!!

Game : Quake 3 Arena
Type : FFA (recommmending 6-7 players)
Starting Points : 8

Qbsp time : 8 sec.
Vis time : 61 sec.
Light-Extra time : 1878 sec.

Base : None, from scratch
Net Brush Count : 810
Brushes : 1020
Entities : 161
Editor used : Q3Radiant (build 201)
Utilities : Q3MAP, BSPC
Known Bugs : If you type in /r_showtris 1, the game freezes up. I dunno why.

Installation : First, put the .pk3 file to the "baseq3" directory and start the game.
Then bring down the console (~ key) and type: /map nkstrdm3.
To add a bot: press "ESC" and pick the "ADD BOT" option from the menu.
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You MAY NOT use this level as a base to build more levels.

You MAY distribute this .ZIP file as long as you E-mail me first
and include all files in the .ZIP file intact.

Hope you enjoy!!!
