1] extract dust_dm1.pk3 into your Quake3Arena/baseq3 directory
2] start Quake3Arena
3] to play TheLostVillage go to console "^",type "/sv_pure 0" and "/map dust_dm1"
4] Or if you have installed the point release, go to create a game in singel or multiplayer
PlaY Infoz:
settings : Deathmatch or Tournament
players : 2 to 4
Bot support : Bots are fully supported
build time : something about 20 hours
compile time : something about 17 hours
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant, the best i`ve ever seen :-]
Q3Build , for faster map testz
known bugz : none
ThanX 2: --->
for the real lookin` textures
**invalid URL** --->
GrimReaper ---> for the intruducion
Just do what the fuck u want to do whit this map.Play it on LAN ,Internet or put it on a
CD ......BlaBlaBla......................................................................
(sorry for my bad english, but I´m from Germany[Wuppertal])
Enjoy it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!