The Tas Tier v1.1
Title : The Tas Tier v1.1
Release date : February 29th 2000

File name : tastier.pk3


NOTE: This is an updated version of the original TasTier
This version will be incompatable with the earlier
release. The single player menu is no longer
reset by this pk3. Minor changes have been made
to each map.


Maps : arcarena.bsp

Map Authors : Keith "Arcane" Smith
Russell "Krusty" Hayward

Email Addresses : **email removed**
**email removed**

home pages : **invalid URL** (Arcane)
**invalid URL** (Krusty)

Tier Details : Four maps from two Tasmanian Level Designers.

Bot Support has been added for each map.

Arcarena is a larger map suitable for
3-8 players. Created by Keith Smith.
This is Keith's first Quake3 level.

Karena1, Karena2 and Karena3 are smaller
maps designed for 2-3 player FFA
tournaments. Created by Russell Hayward.

Thanks to : id software
The guys at #qeradiant
Mr Elusive for his valuable advice on
creating tiers (and his cool bots).
Karen Hayward

Editor used : Q3Radiant


* How to use the .pk3 *

copy TasTier.pk3 to your baseq3 directory
run Q3A, and choose the TasTier maps from the multiplayer menu and
hit 'escape' and choose 'add bots'....

* Copyright / Permissions *

You're allowed to redistribute this level via electronic media such
as Internet, and free of charge. You may not mass distribute this
level via any non-electronic means without permission, including but
not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks. Any commercial use
without permission is prohibited. If you are unsure of these conditions
please contact **email removed** or **email removed**
