"Portals of ShivaI" - For Quake III Arena (Deathmatch)
by Matt "Bung Fluff" Davis
Visit my site at **invalid URL**
You can download all of the models used in this map in the form of "prefabs" from my site.
My fourth attempt at building a map.
Filenames: shivaportal.pk3, shivaportal.txt
File size: 7.9MB, It's a whopper!!
Author: Matt "Bung Fluff" Davis
Address: **email removed**

Description: The whole premise of this map originally was to experiment with complex organic
entities and see how the quake engine would handle the FPS. That's why the levels
are schizophrenic in nature. I really didn't have a multiplayer experience in mind due
to the FPS so I ignored spectator visability above the arena walls and focused on single
player with alot of eye candy. Available items may seem over the top but the map, (being
the acid trip that it is), seemed to 'work'. The frames only seem to drop significantly in the
main temple area on my machine. I run the map at 1024x768 at max textures with a PIII500
using a TNT2ULTRA and 196MB of RAM. If your using anything less than a PII400 with say
a Voodoo 3 generation card, I would run the map at 800x600 and reduce textures by one notch.
Additional Credits:

Thanks to: Paul Jaquays for making an editor that even a moron could figure out.
The guys at Id for being the guys at Id.
Sudwerks for providing liquid sustenance for those late hours of mapping.
Map Instructions:

Unzip shivaportal.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/directory.
Launch game and go into the skirmish option and scan for levelshot. Frag till your eyes bleed.

****Test Machine: PIII 500 196MB RAM TNT2 ULTRA
****Compiler: DITTO

In game Support - YES
SP BOT support - YES
Deathmatch - YES
New Textures - NO
Items/Weapons - Every damn thing! Well, I didn't Include flight.....

Base: New level from scratch.
Editor Used: Q3Radiant 199/Q3Build/ArenaMaster/PakScape
Known Bugs: There are a few bleeds but hard to find. Some 'sparkles' on the spikes in the BFG room.
There is also the spectator 'vis' issue :)

Total Compile Time: 14 Hours of hell.
Copyright and Permissions:

You can use anything that you find of redeeming value that you want, just and long as you
give me the credit for what ever you use it for. That's all I ask!

(c) Copyright 2000 Matt Davis
