I decided to release this map because bots play it nicely. They even pick the megahealth!
The beta testers helped me a lot, they send me detailed comments, screenshots and support: krekits, scourge34, Mikey, Pathogen, Tom Cleghorn, eNFlamed, Taurus, Seph64, ButterB, Whiskey 7, please.kill.me, and special thanks for VisionThing for following me through the 3 beta versions :)
Technical helpers: uh-lee, Plan B, QPsiren, Shallow[BAP] and krekits.
Levelshot: the levelshot is a creation by Francois Launet.
- custom textures, models and prefabs (borrowed, see below)
- bot support
- fast action!!!
- Evillair E7 texture set (**invalid URL**)
- Sock's EgyptSoc texture set (**invalid URL**)
prefabs, models:
- md3-old_torch.pk3, by Polygon (**email removed**)
- Map Instructions:
Extract blackstar.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/ directory. Launch Q3A and from the skirmish menu, select TOURNEY and then choose the level from the level thumbnail gallery.