Title : shine
Author : Pat "pjw" Williams
Description : RA3 Level
* Description *
Game type : RA3
Player load : 2-4
New Graphics : Yep.
Thanks to Kiltron for the cool textures (see the additional text file re: these textures).
Thanks to Chris Opdahl for the blood splat texture!
* Author *
Name : Pat "pjw" Williams
E-mail: **email removed**
Home : **invalid URL**
* Credits *
Thanks to:
All the other past and present members of the M3A crew--you guys rock!
Kiltron for the cool textures.
Chris Opdahl (**email removed**) for the bloodsplat.
Danzeman for the carnage.
More thanks to: id software for their groundbreaking games. (idsoftware.com/)
Dj Bob for BobToolz (**invalid URL**)
Kestrel for Intellibot 2000 (**email removed**)
and mostly:
my wife Jana for cool ideas and everything else.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Copyright (2001) by Pat Williams. All rights reserved.
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
(But if you're just dying to do something with it, contact me. We'll talk.)
You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD
or any other electronic medium (e.g. that would be included with a magazine)
without my explicit permission! (Just ask; be polite and stuff.)
You MAY distribute this BSP and associated files through the (internet,
FTP, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact.
Thank you for playing my maps!
* * * * * * * *
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor,
and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.
--Elwood P. Dowd
* * * * * * * *
Eat The Rocket readme:
Map name : Eat The Rocket
Gametypes : Rocket Arena 3 - 1v1 (CPMA Duel Arena)
Author : QPsiren (**email removed**)
Textures : Than's Industrial texpack (see than_industrial.txt for details)
Editor ver : QERadiant v202
Q3A ver : v1.30
RA3 ver : v1.5
All the M3A team for putting up with me during long absences and long compiles - you crazy guys
Than for his fantastic texpack.
Kenco coffee. Every mapper knows why.
Please contact me at **email removed** if you have any questions.
Peace, love and empathy - Kurt Cobain
Station 27 readme:
Map name : Station 27
Gametypes : Rocket Arena 3 - Clan Arena
Author : QPsiren (**email removed**)
Textures : IKBASEQ3 texture set for Quake3:Arena (see ikbaseq3.txt for details)
: Terragen skybox (www.planetside.co.uk/terragen for details)
: wicked copper textures are from Shaderlab (shaderlab.com/q3map2)
Editor ver : QERadiant v202
Q3A ver : v1.30
RA3 ver : v1.5
All the M3A team for putting up with me during long absences and long compiles - you crazy guys
Iikka "Fingers" Keranen for his fantastic texpack.
Kenco coffee. Every mapper knows why.
Please contact me at **email removed** if you have any questions.
Peace, love and empathy - Kurt Cobain
22:34 24/11/2001
Title : fantasmic
Filename : m3amap2 - arena 2
Author : polo
url : polo2ro.free.fr
E-mail : **email removed**
Description : Quake III: Arena - RA3 - CPMA
1v1 or 2v2 arena
enjoy playing my maps...
TEAM M3A : qpsiren, unitool, thundakin, pjw, kit Carson and all the others.
textures: KONA : **invalid URL**
22:34 24/11/2001
Title : HUD
Filename : m3amap2 - arena 0
Author : polo
url : polo2ro.free.fr
E-mail : **email removed**
Description : Quake III: Arena - RA3 - CPMA
the staging arena
enjoy playing my maps...
TEAM M3A : qpsiren, unitool, thundakin, pjw, kit Carson and all the others.
textures: Meatpack, SlowHandd, Shaderlab.com some very good stuff here.
Nunuk : **invalid URL**
----------------- -----------------
Title - High Tension
Filename - m3amap2..? (Arena 3)
Author - Mick "Thunda" Billingsley
Email Address - **email removed**
Home Page - **invalid URL**
Description - Rocket Arena 3 1v1 or 2v2 arena
Date Published - Final Release November 2001
----------------- -----------------
-= Construction =-
Base - Pulled directly from my arse w/ Inspiration from id and others
Editors used - GTKRadiant
Utilities used - BSPC, notepad, curry
Known Bugs - None that I know of
-= Thanks =-
The m3a team: qpsiren, unitool, polo2ro, pjw, kit carson, and all the other guys
affiliated with the m3a crew that helped out...
Everyone associated with this project is cool as hell and I'm glad I was involved with it...
Richard "Shug" Singleton for a buttload(tm) of playtesting...
Mad Propz to qpsiren for all the work he did on putting this thing together and compiling...
I know that part sucked and all I can say is I'm glad it wasn't me... hehe..
id Software for Quake3 Arena...
And anyone who has taken the time to downloaded this...
-= Copyright / Permissions =-
Any public servers may use this level, ** Just tell me so I can show my friends **
Authors MAY NOT (unless they have concent from myself)
use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this
file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file
in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) so long
as you make no profit from it and include this file intact.
-= The End =-
Thanks for playing my maps
Feedback and comments are always welcome,