Title : Renaissance
Filename : rjldm2.bsp
Author : r3tina
Email Address : **email removed**
Date : 18 August 2001
Version : Final (1.0)
Description : Medium sized Deathmatch map
Map Info : Players: 6 recommended for FFA, 10 for TDM

Credits go to: : -id Software for creating Quake III Arena,
-Loki for GTKRadiant
-The excellent custom textures are once again made
by Evillair, visit his website at
**invalid URL**
-The chain texture (in the cathedral area) and
the two paintings come from the official Max Payne
texturepack. This texture is (C)1998-2001 Remedy
Entertainment Ltd.
-The Tree mapmodel is made by Krischan "GrimReaper" Makowka
(**email removed**)
-The Gargoyle mapmodel is made by Chris "Drahd" Birgy.
-The guys from Quake3World's levelediting forum and
Clan [CFS] for beta testing.
* Construction *

Computer : AMD TBird-C 1.2GHz 256MB RAM

Editor(s) used : GTKradiant 1.1, Q3Toolkit for compiling, PSP 7

Build Time : About 2 months on and off

Compile time BSP: 13 sec.
VIS: 250 sec.
Light -extra: 1208 sec.
BSPC: 131 sec.

Known Bugs : None thus far. Even bots play *ok* (as far as bots go)

This map is hosted at The Engines of Creation - **invalid URL**

This map is ©2001 RJL and may only be distributed by electronic means
(e.a. Internet or BBS). Please don't copy this map or parts of it
without my permission.
